Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts received by Extrapolasi will be reviewed through these several process :

  1. Manuscripts will be reviewes by Editor whether it has conformity with the journal template, purpose and scope of the journal, and the methodology used (rejected if it does not meet the criteria).
  2. Manuscripts must be free of plagiarism content, the maximum limit of similarity is 20%. The manuscript will be rejected if it has major plagiarism, however, the author will be asked for clarification if the similarity is low of has minor plagiarism. For checking Plagiarism, manuscript will be screened plagiarism by using several plagiarism detection software (Turnitin).
  3. The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by a blind peer-reviewed (a reviewer and author remain anonymous to each other).
  4. Reviewer send back his review form to Editor (with revised manuscript if necessary).
  5. Review given by reviewers will be discussed in the editor's meeting to decide whether the manuscript is rejected, requires major revisions, requires minor revisions, or is accepted.
  6. If the decision is a revision, the author will be contacted to revise the text and must be returned to the editor without delay. Returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.