The Relationship Between Self Regulated Learning and Social Support with Academic Procrastination in Students during the Pandemic

  • Suroso Suroso Departement Magister of Psychology 17th August 1945 University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Niken Titi Pratitis Departement Magister of Psychology 17th August 1945 University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Reni Oktaviana Cahyanti Departement Magister of Psychology 17th August 1945 University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
  • Farra Lailatus Sa’idah Departement Magister of Psychology 17th August 1945 University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia


Academic procrastination is a tendency of procrastinating behavior in completing assigned tasks and results in not completing tasks. One of the factors that can cause a student to procrastinate is the lack of strategy and self-regulation or also known as self-regulation. Difficulty in self-regulation or self-regulation in learning is an internal factor that can cause academic procrastination, while external factors that are predicted to prevent students from completing studies according to the targeted time, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, are social support. This study aims to determine the relationship between 1) self-regulated learning and academic procrastination 2) social support with academic procrastination 3) self-regulated learning and social support with academic procrastination during the pandemic. The subjects in this study were students with a total of 266 students spread across various state and private universities and students of all majors. Research data obtained through a scale compiled by researchers will be processed by data analysis techniques, namely multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the data analysis, the results obtained 1) there is a significant negative correlation between self-regulated learning and academic procrastination, the t value is -2.930 and sig (p) 0.004 <0.05 2) there is a significant positive correlation between social support and academic procrastination, the t value is 2.027 and sig (p) 0.044 <0.05 3) there is a significant positive correlation between self-regulated learning and social support, the F value is 4.479 and sig (p) 0.012 <0.05.
Keywords: Self-regulated learning; social support; academic procrastination; student; pandemic


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International Seminar of Multicultural Psychology (ISMP 1st)

Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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The Relationship Between Self Regulated Learning and Social Support

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