Change In Behavior With Resilience To The Society In Facing The Plague Of Covid 19

  • Amanda Pasca Rini Master of Psychology Study Program, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Surabaya,
  • Galih Hadi Swandana Master of Psychology Study Program, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Surabaya,


Early 2020 the world community was shocked by Covid 19, which has now become a pandemic that cannot be predicted when it will end and causes panic everywhere. The Indonesian government has responded by providing direction to the public to deal with this pandemic effectively and efficiently. These directives are getting tighter, which eventually makes people adapt to healthy living behaviors. In addition, to maintain the survival of the community, it is necessary to instill an attitude to learn appropriate behaviors, be able to distance themselves emotionally and physically from the source of the problem, be able to develop honest relationships, can be responsible, have the ability to think of various options, have strength to find happiness and behave on the basis of his conscience. By having this attitude, the community can show resilience which refers to the theory of Reivich and Shatte (2002) describes seven abilities that form resilience, namely emotional regulation, impulse control, optimism, empathy, analysis of the causes of problems, self-efficacy, and reaching out. Almost no individual has these seven abilities well. To make society show resilience, behavior change is needed by referring to the Theory of Reasoned (TRA) proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein (1975) and then further developed by Ajzen (1985) with Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which begins with caring to the surrounding environment, to be able to control oneself in the midst of a pandemic, and to have a positive view of those around you. The research aims to determine the picture of changing behavior with resilience in the community in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic in the city of Bangkalan. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The population in this study were the people of the city of Bangkalan with a sample of 120 people. Data collection used behavior change instruments and resilience instruments. The analysis technique used is Product Moment Correlation. The results of the correlation test between the Resilience variable and the Behavior Change variable obtained the Pearson Correlation coefficient (rxy) of = 0.312 at the significance level (p) = 0.001 (p <0.05 = significant). Based on the results of this study, it is stated that there is a significant relationship between Behavior Change and Resilience, The conclusion of the research that has been carried out is high behavior change followed by high resilience. With this research, it is hoped that the people in Bangkalan can adapt to healthy living behaviors, and can make behavior changes so that people can form resilience to maintain survival in Bangkalan in the face of the pandemic Covid-19.
Keywords: The Covid 19 Pandemic; Behavior Change; Resilience


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Change In Behavior With Resilience To The Society In Facing

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