Future Time Perspective and Career Anxiety of Final-Year Students During a Pandemic

  • Dessy Priastanti Master of Psychology, University of 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya
  • Niken Titi Pratitis Master of Psychology, University of 17 Agustus 1945, Surabaya


Increasingly tight job competition during the pandemic has caused many companies to terminate their employment, resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate in Indonesia. This condition also has an impact on the emergence of anxiety related to future careers in final year students who are preparing to enter the world of work. Anxiety about future careers is closely related to the ability of final year students to see their future (future time perspective), especially in designing the career they will choose when they work later. Quantitative research which aims to determine the role of future time perspectives on career anxiety of final year students during this pandemic, involving 50 undergraduate students who do not have a job. Retrieval of research data using the Future Time Perspective scale compiled by Siswanti (2019) based on the aspects proposed by Husman & Shell (2008), as well as the Career Anxiety scale compiled by Fatmawati (2016) based on aspects of anxiety raised by Haber & Runyon (1984).
Keywords : Future Time Perspective; Career Anxiety; Final-year students; Pandemic


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International Seminar of Multicultural Psychology (ISMP 1st)

Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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