The Social Support Effects on Resilience of Covid-19s’ Survivors

  • IGAA Noviekayati Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya,Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Aswina Mayang Safitri Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya,Surabaya, Indonesia


Various problems faced by people were positively infected with Covid-19, apart from being required to self-quarantine, routine examinations, frail physical conditions, productivities had decreased rapidly because those people unable to work effectively-efficiently, and couldn’t free from inavitable psychological pressure. However, humans have the ability to recover from the downturn of life which is known as resilience. This study aimed to determine the social supports effect on resilience of Covid-19s survivors. This research can be used as additional knowledge into the resilience of Covid-19 survivors, in particular social support as the important factor. The research samples were Covid-19 survivors in terms under surveillance (read, Bahasa: orang dalam pantauan), people without symptoms (read, Bahasa: orang tanpa gejala), and patients under surveillance (read, Bahasa: pasien dalam pantauan). The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling in estimated of 32 subjects. Data collections were carried out by used a resilience scale and social supports by Likert scale model. Scale deployment used Google Forms which shared via social media (such as Facebook, What’sApp, Line, etc). Statistical findings indicate that the results of correlation analysis of social supports with resilience had a significant correlations with R = 0.734 and p = 0.000.
Keywords: Social support effect, Resilience, Covid-19 survivors


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