Gender Differences In The Intention To Quit Smoking Among Emerging Adult: An Indonesian Context

  • Vania Ardelia Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Indonesia ranks as the first country with the most smokers worldwide, with prevalence of smoking being higher in men than women and tends to increase in the emerging adult population (18-25 years old). Although various policies have been conducted to promote smoking cessation, little has been known about the differences in the intention to quit smoking between men and women in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the differences in smoking cessation intention between male and female emerging adults. Method: This study used a cross-sectional design, in which data were collected among 114 and 211 men and women emerging adults who were active smokers. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of demographic characteristics and intention to quit smoking scale adapted from Ardelia and Dewi (2018). Data were analyzed using Welsch t-test technique. Results: Moderate differences were found between men and women in terms of their intention to quit smoking (t(197) = 2.22, p < 0.05), with men showing higher intention to quit compared to women. Conclusion: Based on this result, smoking cessation strategies should focus on gender-specific intervention strategies in order to promote higher intention to quit smoking.

Keywords: emerging adult; gender difference; intention to quit smoking


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