Madura Community Empowerment Through The Use Of Local Culture

  • Yuriadi Yuriadi Universitas Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Norsuhaily Abu Bakar Universitas Sultan Zainal Abidin


Empowerment of the Madurese community has the goal of creating a prosperous society economically and civilized educationally and socially. So there needs to be a strategy and method used to make the Madurese people have knowledgeable, experienced and sufficient soft skills in managing the existing Natural Resources. This research uses qualitative methods, where there are three respondents who were interviewed who have competence in this research theme. In addition to being done manually, the analysis in the study also used an Atlas ti. This was done to clarify and be more detailed in the process of data analysis. The findings from this study show that the strategies that can be implemented in the process of empowering the Madurese community are first, the Madurese need to utilize human capital as part of their enthusiasm to progress in managing their natural resources. Management requires adequate soft skills in processing the potential of the village to become common prosperity. Second, it requires social capital, to open their way of thinking by utilizing all the networks they have by promoting natural potential to be known to the world. Third, regulations need to be implemented properly as a form of guarantee that people who will invest in Madura will be safe and comfortable, so regulations must be implemented properly, there is a clear evaluation and according to local and global community needs. Findings in the Madurese community empowerment method. First, is adaptation. Where in the adaptation process will require sufficient facilities for the community to provide opportunities to try new things. So that people get new knowledge and experience in improving people's welfare optimally. Second, participation is that the community gets guidance and direction in doing something so that it is more focused by providing training to improve their competence.

Keywords: Empowerment, Local Culture, Madura Communit.  


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