• Gatut Prijo Utomo Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Khoirul Abidin Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Hamlet Ketos and hamlets Cabe is 2 (two) of 7 (seven) hamlet in Wonodadi Kulon, Ngadirojo Pacitan, the
problems faced by the community, especially for Hamlet Ketos and hamlets pepper the area of hills and rocks are
prone / difficulty getting water net. The approach offered to solve the problem is by making a catchment basin,
hydraulic ram and tank water divider.
Hydraulic ram works on the principle of water hammer. When the fluid flow is stopped suddenly it changes the
momentum of the fluid future will increase the pressure suddenly. Increased pressure is used to lift some of the
water to higher ground. Then designed hydraulic ram which uses the potential energy of the water as a vehicle. In
designing the authors use the pump inlet pipe length variation of 18 meters, 24 meters and 30 meters and a diameter
of the valve opening is full (0.1 meters), 0.08 meters and 0.065 meters. Tests carried out in the river, precisely in
Hamlet and Hamlet Ketos Cabe, Pacitan.
It can be concluded at this test that by using a long inlet pipe diameter of 30 meters and full valve opening is 0.1
meters and the discharge pump head has more leverage than other tests, namely the pump head 173 m and water
discharge (output) generated amounted to 6.68 L / min. So the longer the pipe entrance (L), the higher the pressure
dihasilakan, as well as thelarger the diameter of the valve opening, the greater the pressure acting on the hydraulic
ram, because the greater the time and speed, the momentum was also greater, so the impulse weight the exhaust
valve is closed suddenly make a greater boost the flow exceeds the static pressure inlet pipe, and it affects the pump
head on the hydraulic ram

Keywords: hydraulic ram, a long inlet pipe, the diameter of the valve opening


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