• Djoko Sulistyono Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Achmad Triyono Program Studi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Mustard is a group of plants of the genus Brassica leaves or flowers are used as food (vegetables), both
fresh and processed. Mustard Brassica species include some that are sometimes similar to each other. One
commodity farmers in village Parengan, Krian, Sidoarjo every day requires a mixture of vegetable waste mustard as
animal feed ingredients. Livestock alone is the main food forage. Green feed cattle, namely waste mustard. Forage
plays a very important because it contains all the substances necessary livestock. One of them is from the green feed
livestock waste that much mustard in the traditional market. In East Java, many home a chicken farmer, in the
hamlet Parengan Kraton Sidoarjo district is very famous for animal breeding chicken. Productivity breeders require
waste mustard chicken with the chopped in the hamlet Parengan Kraton Krian Sidoarjo can not meet the needs of
the market, the acquisition of waste results from the traditional markets of 50-80 kg / day, were able to be processed
5-15 kg / day using traditional tools ie by perajangan mustard waste manually. Some efforts to increase production
have been made to spur the development of the farmer, from the conventional to modern process (machine).
Therefore conducted research with the title : analysis of effect of round and distance (pitch) pisau to waste
production capacity in the machine chooper mustard mustard in the area. In this study the authors calculate the
chopper machine design capacity mustard waste by means of varying the distance a knife (0.03 m; 0.04 m; 0.05 m)
and the rotation axis (200Rpm, 300Rpm, 400rpm), while the fixed blade diameter, so that obtain optimal results and
to determine the engine power is needed, with reference to 250 kg / h, and the conveniences expected chopper
engine testing conducted to determine the waste mustard in actual production capacity, and compared with the
production capacity of the calculation results. The achievement of a production capacity of 247.67 kg / hour is the
most excellent results of chopped cabbage waste, using waste mesinperajang mustard dimensions: Diameter 0.28m
knife, round knife 300Rpm with a distance of 0.04m. The results showed that the production capacity of waste
mustard be 244.28 kg / h (± 250kg / h) using mustard waste chopper machine. Thus the research conducted by the
public is expected to be implemented in order to further increase production and able to serve the market demand.

Keywords : Waste chopper mustard, Distance knife, Round the machine.


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