• Mohammad Suyanto Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Muslimin Abdulrahim Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Cupak Village, Religious Tourism Village


Cupak Village has the potential for a religious tourism destination which is very well known by the local community in Jombang Regency and various areas outside Jombang Regency, namely the Mount Pucangan Peak Tourism Icon which includes the Tomb of Dewi Kilisuci, the daughter of Prabu Airlangga, virtuous and loved by the people who then reside on Puncak. Mount Pucangan for seclusion/meditation is estimated before 1049 AD, the Graves of Maling Cluring and Maling Adiguna, these two thieves are virtuous thieves, and are known to be kind to the surrounding community as well as several other sacred tombs, Sendang Drajat which is believed to be able to elevate one's degree , Sendang Widodaren, which in the past was known as a bathing place for the angels. Cupak Village also has other potential in the field of agriculture and plantations, including: Porang, Corn, Chili, Gadung and other sweet potatoes. While in the MSME field, among others: Wood Charcoal, Pandan Mats, and others.

The population of this study is all the people of Cupak Village who are involved in activities of artistic and cultural traditions, Government Officials, Managers of Tourism Distinctions, LMDH, and other Cupak Village community organizations. While the research sample was determined by purposive sampling, by determining the number of research samples as many as 100 respondents. Data obtained from distributing questionnaires and field observations. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis.

The results of the study show that in terms of natural potential as well as cultural wealth and traditions it is very supportive to be appointed as a Religious Tourism village, but there is no management of artistic and cultural traditions as elements of a Religious Tourism village, this is due to limited access, lack of knowledge and skills of the people of Cupak Village. When viewed from the perspective of motivation and psychological readiness of the community based on an understanding of the principles of sustainability for the development of a religious village, it is very strong. Viewed from the government side, village policies are very supportive for the realization of a Religious Tourism village, while from an institutional standpoint it is ready

From the results of this study, it can be concluded that Cupak Village is very worthy of being appointed as a Religious Tourism Village.

Keywords: Cupak Village, Religious Tourism Village


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