Pengaruh Penambahan Serat Bambu Terhadap Kuat Tarik dan Kuat Tekan Beton

  • Retno Trimurtiningrum Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Concrete is one of construction material that has been used widely for many years.
The advantages of using concrete as contruction materials are it has high compressive strength,
easy to be molded, no need professional labours and the constituent materials of concrete are
cheap and easy to get. Beside of those advantages, concrete also has disadvantage such as has
low tensile strength. Its tensile strength is only about 10% from its compressive strength. Many
previous research has been conducted to increase the tensile strength of concrete. In late 1960s,
fiber concrete has been researched to be the solution to increase the tensile strength of concrete.
Types of fiber concrete are steel fiber, glass fiber, synthetic fiber and natural fiber. Natural
fiber concrete such as bamboo has low manufacturing cost than the other types of fiber. The
aimed of this research is to investigate the influence of bamboo fiber concrete on the tensile
strength and the compressive strength of concrete. The percentage of bamboo fiber were varied
from 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% by cement material. The test results showed that bamboo fiber
concrete increase the tensile strength test and compressive strength test result. The highest
tensile strength was 12,4 MPa in 28 days obtained by mixture that contained 2% of bamboo
fiber. The highest compressive strength concrete was 28,3 MPa in 28 days from the mixtures
with 1% of bamboo fiber.
Keywords: concrete, fiber concrete, bamboo fiber concrete, compressive strength, tensile


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