Current Issue
Parafrase: Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan solicites manuscript submissions which tally to our above mentioned focus and scope. General requirements: Articles have not been published or accepted for publication, or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Types of articles suitable for publication include research reports share theoretical, empirical knowledge and innovative concepts adopted from high quality direct implementation projects in wide area of disiplines and represent the areas of humaniora sciences, social & psychological sciences, language studies, literary studies, cultural studies, area studies. Articles need to be written either in Bahasa Indonesia or in English using standardized academic writing structure and composition. Manuscripts are typed 1,5 spaced in a quarto paper size (A4), between 5000-7000 words in length including references, pictures, and tables. Articles should be in form of essay. Articles should be submitted in soft files using Microsoft Word application to the online submission page in the journal homesite.