Abstract. Injustice has been part of life for different ability people, especially for diffabled women in
many parts of Indonesia. A diffabled woman writer, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, refuses the assumption
and proves on strength and spirit of life in women and diffable people through her works. This study
discusses Ibrahim’s short stories about women and the life of her diffabled characters. The data sources of
the study are novelettes by Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim. The data are quotes from the works that talk about
diffability. The study was based on understanding and interpretation processes. The study found that the
Ibrahim’s works discusses the image and strength of the diffabled woman character in defending for her
rights. Ibrahim also proves that being diffabled does not necessarily mean constant mercy-seeking and
dependence on others. Ibrahim tries to introduce a new paradigm that the diffabled people have the same
pontential as the normal people do. The image of diffability is illustrated in her works that are fully
loaded with struggle of both a woman and a diffabled person.
Kata kunci: citra, difabel, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim
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