• Endang Poerbowati Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


This article discusses the social aspects of geisha in Rei Nakanishi's novel entitled Nagasaki
Bura-bura Bushi. The analysis shows that in carrying out her profession and their living in a socitey, a
geisha is portrayed to have the nature of cooperation, competition, and dispute (conflict). In social groups,
there are the groups of families and communities (rural and urban). In a society, there are norms of
manners, habits, behavior patterns, and customs that must be maintained. In the sociology of women,
women are not merely be seen in the relationship of marriage and family, but also are viewed in their
roles of their jobs and education. As a human being, geisha may have problems in their lives such as
having a sense of love, anxiety, suffering, sorrow, and responsibility against themselves, others and God
or spirit or deity. The above mentioned can be traced through the interaction of the main character
Aihachi and other characters.

Keywords: geisha, aspek sosial, konflik


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How to Cite
Poerbowati E. ASPEK SOSIAL GEISHA DALAM NAGASAKI BURA-BURA BUHSI. parafrase [Internet]. 15Oct.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];16(02). Available from: