Selasar is Open Journal System published by Architecture Department of Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. This journal is a means of research publications that concentrate on the study of architecture to accommodate authors interested in the field of Architectural Planning and Design, Theory and Architectural Criticism, Interior Design, Urban Design and Planning, Housing and Settlement Design, Sustainable Built Environment, Environmental Engineering, Building Science and Technology, Landscape Architecture, Architectural Conservation and Heritage, Project Management and Structural Engineering, Building Materials, Digital Architecture and Building Intelligent Modelling (BIM). 



Selasar published twice a year, in March and September

Important to note:

  1. For the March edition, submission of manuscripts starts from November to January. The review process starts in February
  2. For the September edition, submission of manuscripts starts from May to July. The review process starts in August



The main sponsors of Selasar are Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya



Selasar was first published in 2004. The name Selasar is taken from one of space in architecture. Selasar is a transition space connecting between indoor and outdoor. Selasar can be interpreted as a bridge of knowledge from institution to people.

  • Since first published on September 2004, Selasar has been planned to publish twice a year, on March and September
  • Since then, Selasar was published and vacuumed until the last time published was on September 2015 then vacuumed again until 2020
  • In 2020, Selasar trying to fulfilling the empty publish since 2015
  • In 2022, Selasar upgrading into online system (OJS) to get an accreditation from Sinta
  • E ISSN 2987-4521 has been published on 12 June 2023, start from Volume 20 No.1 March 2023 based on SK BRIN No. 29874521/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/06/2023