Cork as a Ceramic Composite Material to Reduce Noise on the Ground Floor of Buildings

  • Patrisius Patrisius Darma Cendika Catholic University
  • Heristama Anugerah Putra Univeritas Katolik Darma Cendika
Keywords: Massive, Cork, sound propagation, Ceramic floor, Noise


Any building that uses solid or massive (non-porous) materials will easily become a conductor for sound propagation that causes noise. The noise itself can come from inside the building itself and become a sound source or from outside the building that enters through the propagation of material from a building. Criteria for sound propagation that propagates and enters a building must be avoided to provide comfort for users inside. Besides that, understanding for the selection of appropriate materials related to building materials that are able to reduce noise. Especially in multi-storey buildings, where in this type of building there is always a sound of noise from the ceramic material which carries sound propagation down to the room or floor below. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing whether the noise level and pressure on a tiled floor can be overcome by using cork composites. The method used in this research is frequency equalization by recording the observed sound and then comparing the noise level with the maximum sound limit that can be heard by humans. So the expected result is that a ceramic composite with cork can reduce noise below the limit of human hearing, which is 140 Hz.


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Author Biography

Patrisius Patrisius, Darma Cendika Catholic University

Architecture Department

Engineering Faculty


3(p). (2021). 2(10), 92–101.

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