• Danu Wahyono Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Patriarchal oppression, Women, Malala, Taliban, Burqa


The study explores  the patriarchal oppression on  women reflected in Malala Youefzai and Christina Lamb’s I am Malala. The   study aims to identify the forms, the cause, and the impact of the patriarchal oppression on women especially on the Pashtun women of the Swat Valley, Pakistan. The research designed used is a qualitative research. Meanwhile, the approach employed is   psychological approach. The study shows that there are some forms  of patriarchal oppression on women: cultural dominance, powerlessness, exploitation, violence and marginalization. The women are discriminated and mistreated in many ways. The patriarchal oppression on women is the result of   the regime of General Zia’s government and also the rules  set by the Taliban group.  Pashtun women are marginalized. It is   an excuse of keeping the Chasity and dignity that the civilization had  changed. Culture and tradition  play a role as the cause of patriarchal oppression on the Pashtun women where many families dictate a strong preference of sons over daughters. Meanwhile, there are two impact of patriarchal oppression on Pashtun women,  physically and emotionally. Many women become illiterate, have no skills except doing housework and end up depending on men for their survival. They also suffer of excessive fear and anxiety and the worst impact is being killed.


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How to Cite
Wahyono, D. (2022). PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION ON WOMEN IN PAKISTAN REFLECTED IN MALALA YOUSEFZAI AND CHRISTINA LAMB’S I AM MALALA. Anaphora : Journal of Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies, 4(2), 170-188.