Sara Mills' Critical Discourse: Women Stereotypes in Indonesian Netizen Comments on Gita Savitri's Video
Indonesia has a patriarchal culture. As a result, Gita Savitri's childfree statement shocked Indonesian society, exposing the country's long-standing patriarchal position. In the video, Gita says that her choice is a form of resistance to patriarchal culture and that it is critical to assist women in this respect. The study's objectives are to examine the subject-object position in Gita Savitri's video and the use of sexist language in netizen comments. According to the findings, both supporters and opponents of Gita Savitri's decision to stay childfree hold opposing views. Gita is positioned as a subject who argues for her decision not to have children as a kind of opposition to patriarchal rules, while netizens who comment become objects that reflect societal beliefs. Furthermore, this study found that Indonesian netizens still regard the decision not to have children as taboo, contrary to the patriarchal culture that emphasizes women as mothers. The comments frequently reflect society's pressure on women to conform to traditional roles, portraying those who choose not to have children as selfish or inadequate.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Srinita, Annisatul Maghfiroh, Nazhifa Aqila, Dela Wahyu Kusumaningtyas; Alifiah Anggy

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