Author Guidelines

Submissions should be written in Bahasa Indonesia, English, and other languages will be accepted in the case of the editing committee acknowledges. The submitted manuscript shall be a length of approximately 4,000 words, including references, appendices, tables and figures. The review article should be around 3,000 words. They must be typewritten, 1.5 line spaced, with a 12-point Times New Roman font and in a Microsoft Word file. References should be placed at the end of the manuscript. The style of the text, citations, footnotes, and references must conform to the style of the Journal specified in https://;. In order to ensure a double-blind peer review, authors are advised to remove any information that can point to their identity in any way from the manuscript.

Manuscripts should be submitted with author's biography (less than 100 words), an abstract (150-250 words), five key words, and contact information in a separate file. They should be emailed as attachments addressed to the Journal editor, <>, with a clear note that the manuscript is intended for submission for publication.


Author and Publishing Process