• Hwihanus. Ak.,MM. Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Creativity and entrepreneurship is a key to the success of one or more groups to compete
in the business world and beyond. Therefore, to achieve the success of an entrepreneur and
a person who is not yet an entrepreneur requires a soul and knowledge about
entrepreneurship and creativity in it, because the progress of time so fast someone will be
left if not have the skills, patience, and creativity.
The process of quality entrepreneurship is not only seen from how much profit is earned,
income earned, welfare is given. But there is one thing that is often forgotten by the public
to become a qualified entrepreneur that is creativity, with the existence of it in the soul of
one's entrepreneur then the business that is lived will be able to follow the development of
the era, can compete in the tight competition, as well as no less important profit Gained will
last for a long time not just a moment when it's just buming
Participants understand the tips on how to become an entrepreneur, the points that must
be done to compete in the local, regional, and even global scale. They can also make an
example of a hanger product krudung derived from unused materials that previously thought
out or have been unthinkable but have not been able to make it, finally the participants can
solve something that initially considered difficult.


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