Penguatan Pokdarwis Rindang Benua Melalui Pkm Pelatihan Perancangan Paket Kunjungan Wisata Dan Desain Souvenir

  • I Wayan Lanang Nala Jurusan Pariwisata, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
  • Said Keliwar Jurusan Pariwisata, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
  • Andi Farid Hidayanto Jurusan Pariwisata, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda


Sangkima Lama Village has assigned by the local government of Kutai Timur to be
developed Kutai into a tourist village. Therefore, the local government through has assigned
community group known as POKDARWIS is group that has the responsibility to solicit the
awareness and to coordinate the implementation of activities related to tourism in the society.
Community service activities through this community partnership program will provide a
solution on community problems through the training on methods of designing tour package
and designing of woodcraft for tourist’s souvenir. The methods used in this community service
are lectures, discussions and practices. After the training is done, the community has been able
to design the tour packages according to the potential of the people of Sangkima Lama Village.
In addition, the community through the group of craftsmen also able to create new design of
souvenirs for tourists. Training on the utilization of electric machine has been able to increase
the production capacity of the craftsmen who have been done manually. The community is
enthusiastic in establishing their village as one of tourist destination in Kutai Timur.
Keywords: Tourist village, tour package, pokdarwis, wooden handicraft product


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