• Erma Yuliaty
  • Siti Mundari
  • Zainal Arief


The village of Kejawan Putih Tambak, district of Mulyorejo, Surabaya is a coastal area. The majority of residents’s  condition in the village below the standard of living. Finally, a woman named Sita Pramesthi, planted markisa fruit and then processing into refined products that are markisa fruit juice, jam, porridge, and syrup. Among other, markisa syrup which is routinely produced because the market is better than others. This is why many people also planted markisa fruit in their yards. Currently in the villageof Kejawan Putih Tambak there have been five neighborhood association grow markisa fruit with a total of about 70 households. Therefore, in the urban village on February 2009 established the  markisa fruit farmers association named “Kelompok Tani Agro Madinaâ€. But unfortunately the expectation to impove  walfare of  the society around  can not be expected because the syrup product is stale faster. For that reason, the IbM  team of Untag Surabaya proposes to conduct training on the manufacture and procurement of markisa syrup that are syrup mixing machine, instrument sterilizer product already packaged, and the tools  to cover a bottle of syrup. After getting a good training  and a set of  machine to make a good syrup product, there is a positive effect that  demand is increasing. Success of this effort, the income resident’s of  Kejawan Putih Tambak is increasing.Through markisa syrup “Kelompok Tani Agro Madina†received an award from The Mayor of  Surabaya that is Mrs Tri Risma Harini in commemoration of Surabaya City to 721 in 2014 and the area of Kejawan Putih Tambak confirmed as “ Kampung Markisaâ€.

Keywords : markisa fruit, markisa fruit syrup.


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