• Mateus Rudi Supsiadji


Abstract. This article discusses the weaknesses of student’s comprehension on theories that they were applying on their research. The result of the analysis were: 1) in applying genetic structuralism the students did not relate the structure of a literary work with the structure of the society on the issue; 2) they did not state clearly their stand points in applying feminist criticism; 3) in applying the political-ideology criticism, the students explained nothing on the author’s strategies to bring out his or her political-ideology; 4) in their applying theory of hegemony, the students were unclearly to choose the interested perspectives; 5) the students were not appropriately to choose the audience of which they addressed, and did not clearly state “the horazone of the reader’s expectationâ€, “open spaceâ€, ; 6) the students did not clearly discussed the text norms, reader’s knowledge and reading experiences, the tensions appearing between fiction and reality in a literary work in applying redear’s reception. Each theory has its own principle characteristics in approaching a literary work.


Key words: mastering theories, applying theories, sociological approach, feminism, reader’s reception


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How to Cite
Supsiadji M. APLIKASI TEORI STRUKTURALISME GENETIK, FEMINISME, SASTRA & POLITIK, TEORI HEGEMONI, RESEPSI SASTRA DALAM PENELITIAN MAHASISWA. parafrase [Internet]. 1Feb.2011 [cited 14Mar.2025];11(01). Available from: https://jurnal.untag-sby.ac.id/index.php/parafrase/article/view/181