Self Disclosure, Perilaku Asertif dan Kecenderungan Terhindar dari Tindakan Bullying

  • Tika Meilena SMPN 1 Tajinan Malang
  • Suryanto . Universitas Airlangga Surabaya


The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between self disclosure and
assertive behavior with tendency to avoid bullying. Research variables were measured using
a tendency to avoid bullying scale, self disclosure scale and assertive behavior scale. Subjects
were 56 students at 1st grade SMP Tajinan Malang. Data were analyzed using regression
analysis. The results showed that self disclosure and assertive behavior significantly associated
with tendency to avoid bullying. Separately, self disclosure did not correlate significantly with
tendency to avoid bullying. Meanwhile, assertive behavior has a positive correlation with
tendency to avoid bullying
Keywords: Tendency to avoid bullying, Self disclosure, Assertive behavior


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/06/ 08/ 058583420 / Murid - SMP -

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Geram, di akses tanggal 6 November
