Faktor internal dan eksternal penyebab perilaku korupsi pada karyawan swasta dan Aparatur Sipil Negara

  • Andik Matulessy Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Yuci Limanago Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Mitory Ditya Rantika Elentina Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: compensation, dark triad personality, organizational culture, religiousity, tendency to corruption




Internal and external factors influence the tendency to corruption. This study aimed to examine the internal and external factors that cause corrupt behavior in private employees and the State Civil Apparatus. The first study involved 222 employees of private companies as research participants, while the second study involved 205 State Civil Apparatuses in East Java as research participants. The research data were taken using the corruption tendency scale (α = 0.911), Dark Triad Personality scale (α = 0.868), Organizational Culture scale (α = 0.883), Corruption behavior scale (α = 0.917), Religiosity scale (α = 0.896), and Compensation scale (α = 0.881 ) The results of the regression analysis in the first study showed that there was a significant simultaneous and partial correlation between the dark triad variables, organizational culture and corrupt behavior. The regression analysis results in the second study also showed a significant simultaneous and partial correlation between the variables of religiosity, compensation, and corrupt behavior. The practical implications of this research require that companies or institutions always minimize the dark triad personality, create positive perceptions of corporate culture, and increase religiosity to reduce the tendency to corruption.

Keywords: compensation; dark triad personality; organizational culture; religiousity; tendency of corruption



Kecenderungan untuk korupsi dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji faktor internal dan eksternal penyebab perilaku korupsi pada pegawai swasta maupun Aparatur Sipil Negara. Studi pertama melibatkan 222 pegawai perusahaan swasta sebagai partisipan penelitian, sedangkan studi kedua melibatkan 205 Aparatur Sipil Negara di Jawa Timur sebagai partisipan penelitian. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan skala kecenderungan korupsi (α=0,911), skala Dark Triad Personality (α=0,868), skala Budaya Organisasi (α=0,883), skala Perilaku Korupsi (α=0,917), skala Religiusitas (α=0,896), dan skala Kompensasi (α=0,881) Hasil analisis regresi pada studi pertama menunjukkan ada korelasi simultan dan parsial yang signifikan antara variabel dark triad, budaya organisasi dan perilaku korupsi. Hasil analisis regresi pada studi kedua juga menunjukkan ada korelasi simultan dan parsial yang signifikan antara variabel religiusitas, kompensasi dan perilaku korupsi. Implikasi praktis dari riset ini mengharuskan perusahaan atau lembaga selalu meminimalkan kepribadian dark triad, memunculkan persepsi positif pada budaya perusahaan, serta meningkatkan religiusitas untuk menurunkan kecenderungan untuk korupsi.

Kata Kunci: Budaya organisasi; Dark triad personality; koMpensasi; Perilaku korupsi; Religiusitas


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Author Biography

Andik Matulessy, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Andik Matulessy is a Associate Professor at Faculty of Psychology Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG) Surabaya. He completed his doctoral studies in the field of Social Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) with a topic of dissertation is Causal Study of Student Political Participation, and had a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He is  also active in various national to international forums, the International Society of Political Psychology Annual Conference (2010) in San Francisco, USA, the Asian Association Biennial Conference of Social Psychology (2011) in Kunming, China and the International Congress of Psychology (2016 ) in Yokohama, Japan, until the Chair of the 6th ASEAN Regional Union Psychological Society (ARUPS) Congress (2018) in Bali.


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