Kematangan Emosi, Efikasi Diri dan Perilaku Merokok Remaja Laki-Laki Usia 12-15 Tahun

  • Supeno . Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Suroso . Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Emotional maturity, self-efficacy, and Smoking Behavior examined in a
correlational quantitative research. Subjects were 131 Adolescence on 12 – 15 Year
of Ages. Researcher developed two research instrument of measurement, namely the
scale of smoking behavior and the scale of emotional maturity. Data of study
variables were analyzed with the multiple regression analysis. The results of the
analysis are: 1) R = 0,181, F = 2,179, p = 0,177 (p > 0,05) showed no correlation
of emotional maturity and self-efficacy with smoking behavior on 12 – 15 Year of
Ages simultaneously, 2) r partial = - 0,173, p = 0,049 (p < 0,05) shows the
correlation of emotional maturity with smoking behavior is a negative direction and
linear; 3) r partial = - 0,055, p = 0,534 (p > 0,05) shows no correlation self-efficacy
with smoking behavior
Keywords : emotional maturity, self-efficacy, smoking behavior


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