Penyesuaian Perkawinan, Subjective Well Being dan Konflik Perkawinan

  • Dessy Christina Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Andik Matulessy Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between marital
adjustment and subjective well being with marital conflicts Research retrieve data
through a questionnaire given to 40 couples (80 subjects) with the marriage between 5-
10 years of age, have children and live together without any other family in the
household, such as parents or in-laws, or other relatives who are also factors that
intervene in the conflict. The result of multiple regression analysis found the value of F =
7.422; R = 0.402; p = 0.001 (p <0.01), yangmembuktikan that marital adjustment and
subjective well-beingmemiliki significant correlation with marital conflicts. It found that
the marital adjustment and subjective well-being able to contribute negatively to the
marital conflicts of 16.2%. Results of correlation between marital adjustment with
marital conflict obtained by t = -3.122; r = -0.334; p = 0.003 (p <0.05), which showed a
significant negative correlation between marital adjustment with marital conflicts.
Factor subjective well being with marital conflict obtained value t = -2.636; r = -0.288;
p = 0.010 (p <0.05), which means it has proved the existence of a significant negative
correlation between subjective well being with marital conflicts.
Keywords : marital adjustment, subjective well-being, marital conflict


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