Kecerdasan Emosi, Anonimitas dan Cyberbullying (Bully Dunia Maya)

  • Renny Nirwana Sari Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Suryanto . Fakultas Psikologi Airlangga Surabaya


The purpose of this study to examine the relationship between emotional
intelligence and anonymity with cyberbullying in terms of gender. This study was done
with quantitative methods. Measurement variables of this research using a scale of
cyberbullying, emotional intelligence scale and the scale of anonymity. were Subjects
junior high school students in Sidoarjo, which amounted to 44 students with a lifespan of
13-17 years with a mix of men and women at least 21 of 23 students, which is in
accordance with the criteria as perpetrators of cyberbullying. were analyzed using
regression analysis, partial correlation,and Anova. The results showed: first, there was
no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and anonymity with
cyberbullying. second, there is a positive relationship of emotional intelligence with
cyberbullying. Third, the anonymity has a negative relationship with cyberbullying.
Fourth, the difference in cyberbullying behavior between men and women, where men
there is a tendency to become perpetrators of cyberbullying.
Keywords : Emotional Intelligence , Anonymity , Cyberbullying


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