Pengaruh Applied Behaviour Analisys Terhadap Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Autis

  • Hamdiyatur Rohmah Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia
  • M Farid . Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang


The objectives of the study are to investigate the effect of Applied Behavior
Analysis method on autistic children’s language development skill and to help parents to
coach their children in order to communicate better. The research uses some theories on
language development in American Academy of Pediatrics; Evaluation and Management of
language and Speech Disorders (2005), Speech and Language Milestone (2006), and Child
Development, Santrock (2007). The subject of the study, are 4 autistic children as the
experiment group with the mothers in an intervention program with language
development’s module which is assisted by psychologist and a linguist. Data sample is
taken by purposive sampling technique (subject group study based on study objective) with
one experiment group only. Analysis is used to see the result of before and after treatment.
The result of paired sample analysis shows t = - 4,753 p = 0,018 (P < 0,05). It means there
is a significant increase on language development of the autistic children.
Keywords : Applied Behavior Analysis, Children with Autism, Child Development, Language


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