Representasi Identitas Narapidana di Media Massa Hiburan Film dan Serial Televisi

  • Yuni Sriharyani Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Marginal/subordinate groups such as prisoners tend to be underrepresented in the entertainment
media, especially in cinematography media, such as films and television series. But when they are
represented in the storytelling media, it is usually with some stigma/stereotype. In this study, the author
will focus on the representation of prisoners' identities in film and TV series media. Anchored in
Standpoint Theory by Sandra Harding dan Julia Wood, this research seeks to unveil the cultural and
societal forces shaping media content, elucidating the processes through which stigmatization is
created. The purpose of this review literature research is to compile several studies that criticize media
representations and stereotypes of prisoners' identities. This research is qualitative research using
literature review methods, compiling previous research literature related to the representation of
prisoners in films and television series. The compilation of several studies on media representations
and stereotypes of prisoner's identity critiques depictions of prisoners in films and television series in
the form of limited representations, overgeneralizations, and negative portrayals of prisoners. It is
hoped that the media literacy of the community can increase so that they can be wiser in receiving and
filtering messages displayed in the media, especially film and television series about prisoners who
often normalize rejection, alienation, and negative stigma behavior on former prisoners.

Keywords: representation, prisoners, mass media, films, television series


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