Keterbukaan Diri Pada Jalinan Relasi Percintaan Masa Kontemporer Dengan Pengenalan Melalui Dating App Bumble

  • Vira Oktaviona Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Mukaromah Mukaromah Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro


Dating apps are the contemporary answer for individuals to connect with more individuals. Its essence as an online dating app makes Bumble provide the best features and various conveniences of the relationship building process. Using a qualitative approach, this research is conducted with the aim of knowing self-disclosure in contemporary romance relationships through the dating app Bumble. Bumble was chosen because of its popularity and good reviews among other dating apps. In building relationships through introduction to the Bumble dating app, individuals experience a process of self-disclosure stages as evidenced by social penetration theory. Social penetration proposed by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor proves that individuals experience gradual communication openness from public to private like an onion peeling analogy. Social penetration theory is classified into 4 stages, namely orientation, affective exploratory exchange, affective exchange, and stable exchange. Supported by Mark Knapp's relationship theory which describes 5 individual stages in the process of building commitment, namely initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, and bonding, strengthening the concrete evidence in this study. This study found that motivation has a major influence on the process of self-disclosure between individuals through the introduction of the dating app Bumble.


Keywords: Social Penetration, Bumble, Relationship Theory, Self-Disclosure


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