Objektivitas Media Daring Terkait Penyertaan Modal Negara pada Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung

  • Lydia Tesaloni Mangunsong Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Henny Sri Mulyani Program Studi Jurnalistik, Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Ika Merdekawati Program Studi Jurnalistik, Universitas Padjadjaran


As the guardian of government authority, online media serves to facilitate informational needs and act as the bridge between the government and the public. Objectivity is essential in carrying out this role. Kompas.com and Bisnis.com emerge as the two media outlets that extensively cover the issue of State Capital Participation (PMN) in the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB) project, a government initiative requiring public oversight following the involvement of the State Budget (APBN). A total of 46 news samples were collected from the entire population of reports during the months of October to December 2021. Intercoder reliability testing yielded high results, with an average Krippendorff Alpha value of 0.905. The research findings indicate that Kompas.com is capable of presenting news related to PMN in the KCJB project objectively, aligning with public expectations, and remaining unaffected by the professional bias of news creators. However, it still negotiates with journalistic ethics. On the other hand, Bisnis.com successfully produces news on the same issue with objectivity based on public expectations, avoiding professional bias, and adhering to existing journalistic ethics.


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