Representasi Monstrositas Perempuan pada Film

(Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes pada Film KKN di Desa Penari)

  • Candra Setiawan Universitas Widya Mataram


A horror film is a film that scares the audience. Horror films also depict the figures of a woman who is constructed to be scary. This can also lead to discrimination against women themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the representation of women’s monstrosity in the film KKN Di Desa Penari. This research uses a qualitative method with Roland Barthes’s semiotic analysis knife which has two stages, the first stage is denotation, and the second stage is the connotation that will later produce myths. The theory used is the monstrous feminine from Barbara Creed. The data obtained from this study was by observing scenes in the film KKN Di Desa Penari and taking pictures or screenshot that were considered capable of representing female monstrosity. Parts of the film KKN Di Desa Penari are interpreted by researchers by interpreting based on the socio-culture that exists in the community. The result of this study is the representation of female monstrosity shown in the scenes of the film KKN Di Desa Penari in the physical form, sexuality, and anger of the woman’s body. This female monstrosity is also influenced by patriarchal culture, where this culture is a durable culture, especially in Indonesia. It can also lead to discrimination against women who are constructed in horror films.


Keywords: Female Monstrosity, Semiotics, Horror Film         


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