Analisis Wacana Kritis Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi dan Cewek Mamba dalam Media Sosial Tiktok dan Twitter

  • Nara Garini Ayuningrum Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Fransisca Benedicta Avira Citra Paramita Universitas 17 Agustus 1945


The terms Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi and Cewek Mamba are currently massively heard on social media
Tiktok and Twitter. This term was popularized by Tiktok users @javamassie and refers to the dominance
of colors used by women on the outfits worn. This term was originally only used among Tiktok users, but
after reaching 3 million viewers on the videos he uploaded on Tiktok, this term then spread on another
social media, namely Twitter. The users of the Tiktok and Twitter accounts then began to identify
themselves as Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi or Cewek Mamba by using similar captions "so it turns out that so
far w is a wkwk earth girl" based on the outfits they use. This becomes interesting when this identification
is pinned by the owner of the @javamassie account who is a man, to female Tiktok and Twitter users for
using the word "cewek". The use of language cannot be judged as it is, nor can the use of the terms cewek
kue, cewek bumi and cewek mamba. This study uses Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis to
see how the term influences gender discourse in social practice. The result of this research is that social
media no longer builds its own reality, no longer forms its own virtual world, but at that time the virtual
world and reality are intertwined with each other. The discourse present in social media can no longer be
underestimated, what happens in social media, no longer stays in social media. Discourse that is present
and moves in social media also influences discourse in reality life. Social media is no longer a safe place
and an intact public space, when the practice of power persists.

Keywords: Tiktok; Twitter; Critical Discourse Analysis; Gender; Norman Fairclough


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