The situation in 1996 in Kalidami – Surabaya at that time a negative things
happens like gets drunk, a gambling, and fights between the teenager, and it’s trigger the
interaction of local citizens to hold a positive activity in order to cope within. The
Presence of Hadrah activities by Al – Anshor groups at that time, can be said as the
occurrence of ' symbolic Interaction ' where hadrah musical itself became the symbolic
that agreed in a group and used to reach a common ground to shared meanings thatis
reduce the bad things that happen in Kalidami.
The interactions that occur within the group itself and outside groups bringing
improvements impact to the mindset of individual especially teenagers in Kalidami to get
better understanding in Islamic religion through preaching and discussions that
presented in their activity, its encourage significant changes and form the character of
each self becomes better and realize to avoid having bad behavior. This symbolic
Interaction applied using 2 Communications i.e., verbal and non verbal communication,
so the preaching about religion is acceptable to the local community because they
approach without affecting the local culture.
Keywords : Communication, Propaganda, Hadroh, Symbolic Interaction, Culture.
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