• Bertharia Sanny Pratiwi
  • Hamim Hamim
  • Judhi Hari Wibowo


This research was motivated by the communication symbol or symbols like
this is very attached to the Indonesian nation and even many people who are not aware
that it was applying the theory of communication in their daily lives. Emblem usefulness
as a tool to influence the communicant, a tool to make someone understand the message
delivered, the tools to make sense of the messages being delivered, means to connect the
communicator to the communicant, a tool to achieve a goal of communication. The sound
of street vendors around the place we live, with a characteristic sound when the merchant
was around the area where you live to peddle his wares. Pedlar or commonly referred to
PKL is the term given to the hawkers who use carts.
As for supporting this study, the authors in the manufacture thesis using
qualitative methods deskripstif. Goal authors is that the notion of communication Symbol
traders we need to understand more, because a lot of symbols - symbols of merchants that
we do not understand.
Keywords : symbol communication , trader


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