Jeje Radio has some fresh and hits programs, one of them is a Marathon Hits Night which is
broadcasted from 19.00 – 23.00 pm. The concept of this program certainly brings the broadcaster to
be a high credibility person. In this study were selected 3 Marathon Hits Malam program
broadcasters in Jeje Radio Surabaya, among other Deli Aldiano, Imah Cinara, and Widi Ariyani. The
results of this analysis show that Widi Ariyani is the broadcaster meets criteria for Derived and
Terminal Credibility. She has most credible in term of experience, education, and attitude. While,
Imah Cinara is the broadcaster who goes into all categories credibility but she is not really measure
enough. Apart from that, the listeners have the Latitude of Acceptance because they have a flexible
assessment against the broadcast pattern Ima Cinara. The potential of each broadcaster will increase
by company support. Therefore, supporting facilities are necessary to be given to improve their ability
and quality.
Keywords : Jeje Radio Surabaya, Broadcaster of Marathon hits malam, credibility
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