LINE social media is now widely used by teenagers, the more popular is also the
current online media among teenagers. The impact of LINE social media on these
antisocial teenagers also leads to actions that impose physical or psychological damage
on others, such as lying, stealing, attacking others, becoming cruel to others, becoming
argumentative, and becoming non-discriminating sexually promiscuous.Theories used
are social media theory, antisocial behavior. This research is done by using explanative
research method with quantitative method. Sampling technique to be taken for this study
is purposive sampling, the number of samples as many as 60 respondents teenagers who
are domiciled in Gunungsari Surabaya.The result of LINE usage research is media which
have very strong impact, able to give impact directly to the audience (teenager). Can
shake the minds of his audience directly. This term is often used to indicate changes in
individuals caused by exposure to media. With social relationships conducted by
individuals or individuals through social networks as a means of communication to
support success in achieving goals, then the person will be more often in using social
networking media.
Keywords: social media applications, antisocial behavior, social media impact
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