Success is not only desired and owned by people who are able, but those who cannot afford,even want to have it. For someone who is born from unrich people, having success thing is a priceless
happiness. It is felt by Julianto Eka Putra who is growing in a regular neighborhood. Julianto Eka
Putra initiated and motivated to make the VISION 2010 program with the aim is to establish free
school and a charitable foundation that dedicated himself to help orphans in Indonesia who cannot
afford to continue their study to high school education. The purpose of this study is to determine the
effect of Julianto Eka Putra’s self-concept on the students of Selamat Pagi Indonesia’s High School
Batu-Malang. The result of the first hypothesis reads the suspect classification and purpose of the
interpersonal communication affects the self-concept, is acceptable because of the calculation it t
count (1,944) > t table (1,667), second hypothesis is assumed to be accepted because of the
effectiveness of interpersonal communication is known that t count (4,335) > t table (1,667), this
means that the independent variable X1 (classification and interpersonal communication objective)
and X2 (interpersonal communication effectiveness) significantly affects the self concept of Julianto
Eka Putra.
Keywords: Classification and Interpersonal Communication Objective, Interpersonal Communication
Effectiveness, Self Concept
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