Health warning labels on cigarette packs is very important as a means of communication and
awareness of smokers of the health risks caused by smoking. By reading and seeing pictures of health
warnings, with some warning messages of health and some disease the effects of smoking are listed on
the label of health warnings on cigarette packs every time they smoke, is expected to provide a greater
knowledge of the health effects of smoking, and may raise intention to quit smoking and therefore
contributes to the attitude of smokers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
communication messages on pictorial health warning labels on cigarette packs on the attitudes of
young smokers in the city of Surabaya. The minimum sample empirically determined as much as 96
respondents using accidental sampling technique. Results of research and analysis with a simple
linear regression showed that a significant difference between the message communication on
pictorial health warning labels on cigarette packs on the attitudes among young smokers in the city of
Surabaya. Contributions message communication on pictorial health warning labels on cigarette
packs on the attitudes of young smokers in the city of Surabaya is 47.6% of the remaining 52.4% is
influenced by other variables not examined in this study, for example the influence of friends, lifestyle,
Keywords: communication messages, the attitude of young smokers
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