The effectiveness of communication has an important role in the process of agriculturalextension activities. Effective communication in agricultural extension activities in confidence can
improve the performance of farmer groups to create the effectiveness of extension communication in
need of participation of the perpetrators of extension activities. This study aims to determine the effect
of communication effectiveness of extension on the performance of farmer groups, and the influence of
extension participation on the effectiveness of extension communication that is done in Karang Tinoto
Village, Rengel District, Tuban Regency. This research is done by using quantitative approach and
using survey method. Type of research is associative explanative. The research analysis used the
moment and partial correlation product correlation test to know the relationship between the
variables. The sample in this study was 82 samples, determining the number of samples using slovin
formula. The result of the research on product moment correlation test showed that there was a
positive correlation of 0,583 and significant 0,000 between communication effectiveness counseling to
farmer group performance, there was positive relation 0,942 and significant 0.000 between
participation counseling with effectiveness of communication of counseling. While the patel
correlation test shows the participation of counseling very determine the effectiveness of
communication to the performance of farmer groups.
Keywords: effectiveness of extension communication, farmer group performance, extension
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