• Riza Fariyanti
  • Rudy Handoko
  • Judhi Hari Wibowo


Surabaya city has a population of diverse ethnicities and cultures. Cross-cultural communication
is what makes interesting, because the convergence of a culture with other cultures, although there is a
difference but still be able to live together. Stereotypes against ethnic, religious and ethnic particular an
obstacle in building an effective intercultural communication. The study aims to determine the
stereotypical view in cross-cultural communication in the Maduranese ethnic Chinese. To achieve this
goal, this study uses descriptive qualitative research method with direct observation in the field as well as
conducting interviews with respondents of the city of Surabaya native Chinese descent, determined
through purposive sampling which determines intentionally respondents using criteria established by the
researchers. The results showed that there is a stereotype in the Maduranese. Stigma Coarse own way,
brave fight is still attached to the Maduranese. But there is another stigma that is hardworking, loyalty
and great togetherness.
Keywords : Stereotypes, Chinese, Maduranese


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