• Elysabeth Anbertu
  • Arif Darmawan
  • Judhi Hari Wibowo


This alay language is not only a communication tool, but also an identification tool. Teenagers using
this alay language may be to identify themselves as alay. The use of alay language can also be useful to
cultivate self-existence. One language application as a communication tool is the use of language in
electronic media applications Blacberry Messenger (BBM). The purpose of the study to determine the
phenomenon of alay language attraction in communication among adolescents on the use of fuel in the
district Wonokromo Surabaya. drag rational alay language as communication among adolescents to the use
of fuel in sub-district Wonokromo Surabaya, alay language users, alay language can provide other benefits,
as a means of non-formal communication among teenagers alay and other teenagers alay language also
provide benefits, especially for their community especially. The emotional appeal of the alay language as a
communication among teenagers in the use of fuel in Surabaya, the motivation of adolescents to use alay
language in BBM is essentially to search for self-identity, self-existence according to cultural development
and recognition of the outside world of their existence (alayers) in adolescents today. Many activities can be
done using alay language, among others, SMS, chat with fellow alay community on Facebook, yahoo
messenger, or just write a wall or coment on Facebook either with fellow users alay or with other BBM
users. The attractiveness of the alay language is diverse ranging from alay language writing that looks
unique that can be modified or mixed with the letters, besides that alay language can also be a code
language for them (alayers) in communicating within their community in particular.
Keywords: Alay Language, Communication, BBM


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