• Handharu Laksa Ramadhan
  • Rudy Handoko
  • Judhi Hari Wibowo


Technological developments in the aspect of communication and increasing competition,
demand public relations to creatively invent and devise a strategy to communicate its brand through
the internet. The existence and growth of PT. ISM Bogasari which is the largest wheat flour producer
in Indonesia with a market share of 57% amid the development of communication technology and
increasing competition. Encourage interest in the author's research on public relations strategy PT.
ISM Bogasari flour mills in meninggkatkan brand awareness. The theory used in this research is
public relations management process Scot M Cutlip and Brand Awareness.Metode analysis used is
Miles and models. Huberman. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, it can be
concluded that: lack of relationships with customers in and challenges of competitors becomes the
basis of the formation of the strategy. Through the medium of websites, twiter, facebook, you tube. PT.
ISM Bogasari flour mills, assuring the market share on the product quality, by forming the product
information into four major cyber media content, ie the content of recipes, tips content, content, SME
testimony, and testimony BBC. Besides Markowitz such content, interactive (two-way communication)
performed on twiter and facebook social media with the aim that the formation of relationships in the
target market. Efforts mengeleloh social media and website in order to appear on the first page of
google or yahoo search or a search feature on social media also carried out by third parties, so that
the message continues to be seen by the target audience.
Keywords: Strategi, Electronic Public Relations, Brand Awareness


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