PENCITRAAN BUPATI DALAM PERSPEKTIF SEMIOTIKA BARTHES Analisis Penciitraan Bupati Sidoarjo Melalui Iklan Apartemen Royal Mutiara Residence pada Jawa Pos

  • Tonny Novianto
  • Hamim Hamim
  • Rachmawati Novaria


Research starts from the interest of writer of the advertising world displayed through the
printable media especially Apartment Royal Mutiara Residence commercial in Jawa Pos, May 2015th
edition. This commercial provides persuasive messages are presented in the textual message form and
the image message form. In this commercial there is a picture of Sidoarjo’s Regent H Saiful
Illah,S.H.,M.Hum which is have a multi-interpretation in society as if this commercial have two
objectives that mutually contrary, first, this commercial is intended to introduce the latest products of
Apartment Royal Mutiara Residence, the second, this commercial also has a hidden meaning in
constructing image of Sidoarjo’s Regent H Saiful Illah, S.H.,M.Hum. This study adopted a qualitative
approaches.. In this case, writers strove to unload the denotative meaning, connotative meaning and
myths which is found in verbal message and non verbal message that appear in the Apartment Royal
Mutiara Residence commercial in Jawa Pos, May 2015th edition. From this research, can be
concluded that purport decker approach in Roland Barthes semiotic analysis, through connotative
meaning, denotative meaning and myths in this commercial, identified the explicit meaning of
persuasive messages that appeare in this commercial aimed to construct the image of Sidoarjo’s
regent H Saiful Illah, S.H., M.Hum to be much more positive in society.
Keywords : Commercial, Semiotic, Image, Regent, Roland Barthes


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