• Teguh Hartono Patriantoro


The research aims to know (1) the role of marriage with the same ethnic for Chinese people
and (2) the obstacles for different ethnic relations. The research used qualitative descriptive
methods. The research was conducted in Makassar city. Types and data sources used
primary and secondary data.. There were 5 (five) informants as samples were interviewed
and the results of these interviews were analyzed using several theories. The research result
indicate that (1) the same ethnic marriage for Chinese people have several role for
example, retaining custom, economy consideration of the candidate, culture and custom like
diligent and work hard, considerations of business (developing business to be more
advanced and big), heretics tradition, belief (religion). and past trauma for social friction.
(2) Different ethnic relations caused pro and contra. The pro said different ethnic relations
depend on each person who runs their relationship, agreement and approval from parents
or family also have influence to that relations. Besides, if the candidate comes from
different ethnic it still can be tolerated as long as its person accept to follow the Chinese
tradition. Another response also said that it is not a big deal if the candidate not come from
Chinese ethnic because the family tree from grandfather and grandmother have mixed with
another ethnic.
Keywords: Marriage, Ethnic, Chinese


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