Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Feva Indonesia

  • Annisa Nur Islami
  • Merry Fridha Tri Palupi
  • Mohammad Insan Romadhan


This study examines the influence of organizational communication on employee performance at PT. Feva Indonesia. Organizational communication has an important meaning in delivering messages within the scope of the organization. One of the organizational behaviors in which there is the delivery of person and information connecting aspects. Good communication fluency depends on a person's ability to communicate and communicate it. The problems that occur are because the communication process is not going well so that information from superiors to employees can cause a misunderstanding because the information conveyed is not understood. With good organizational communication, it is hoped that employee performance will also increase, because it is not an easy thing to improve employee performance. This type of quantitative research uses the total population of employees of PT. Feva Indonesia. Researchers have a role as key informants of 70 employees. The total population is less than 100 people, taken 70 respondents or total sampling. The research conclusion is that organizational communication variables have a significant effect on company performance.

Keywords: organizational communication, employee performance


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