Analisis Perbandingan Biaya dan Waktu Pelaksanaan Pelat Lantai Beton Panel dan Beton Konvensional (Studi Kasus Proyek Pembangunan SMP Islam Terpadu AL-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah Kabupaten Pamekasan)

  • Bakti Dwi Prasetyo
  • Budi Witjaksana
  • Priyoto Priyoto
Keywords: Quality, Multiple linear regression, Ranking, SPSS


The implementation of projects in Trenggalek Regency often does not achieve good construction quality and even construction failures are caused by underestimate bids or bids far below 80% of the HPS (self-estimated price) value set by the Commitment Making Officer (PPKom) or the Budget User Authority (KPA). The use of costs that are too low far below 80% of the HPS has been determined can result in deviations in the quality of construction projects, so that it can harm the Trenggalek Regency government. The ranking method is used to determine the ranking of respondents which can later be used as a reference for why the construction of campus buildings is delayed, Data analysis in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis stepwise method based on the results of the analysis of variable X6 (environment) and X1 (tender document review) is the most dominant factor in the quality of project quality in Trenggalek district with multiple linear regression equation Y = 0, 043 + 0.948 (X6) + 0.251 (X1) and the results of the β coefficient value, obtained the following ranking of the Project Location / Environment Factor (X6) with a β coefficient value of 1.097, auction document review factor (X1) with a β coefficient value of 0.251, cost factor (X4) with a β coefficient value of 0.187, work method factor (X3) with a β coefficient value of -0.042, planning factor (X5) with a β coefficient value of -0.212, Schedule / Implementation Time Factor (X2) with a β coefficient value of -0.432, Work environment factor (X2) with a β coefficient value of -0.063.


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