Analisis Kendala Proyek Konstruksi dikerjakan Secara Swakelola (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Sukorejo Kabupaten Pasuruan)

  • Daimil Ihsan
  • Wateno Oetomo
  • Hary Moetriono
Keywords: Constraint analysis, Self-Management


The implementation of construction project activities in the village must be carried out in a self-managed manner, which includes the procurement of goods/services whose work is planned, carried out and/or supervised by the village community itself. Construction activities carried out in a self-managed manner experience several problems in their implementation. Based on the results of field observations of the parties involved in construction projects whose work is carried out in self-management, there are many obstacles faced both physically and non-physically. The purpose of this study are the factors that affect the constraints of construction projects undertaken in a self-managed manner and determine the most dominant factors against the constraints of construction projects undertaken in a self-managed manner. From the results of the study it was found that the administrative completion factor, the Human Resources (HR) factor, the cost factor, the material / material factor, the state / surrounding environment factor were factors that influenced the self-managed construction project, to determine the most dominant factor using the multiple linear regression analysis method, after analyzing using this method it was found that the most dominant factor was the cost factor and the material / material factor because the significance value was 0.000 <0.05.


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