Analisis Risiko dan Mitigasi Proyek Pembangunan Embung di Kabupaten Bojonegoro

  • Dendy Setyawan
  • Miftahul Huda
  • Hanie Teki Tjendani
Keywords: Embung, Factor analysis, Risk, Natural disasters



Development of embung is one of the conservative ways to cope with floods. The development process of embung cannot be separated from risk, in order to minimize the impact of risk, risk identification and mitigation are carried out to increase the success of the project. This study uses a factor analysis method, to determine risk factors. The risk impact matrix diagram is used to map the risk index. Risk response to risk impact matrix mapping is done to minimize losses. Mitigation is carried out on risk factors that are classified as high and significant risk, which have the potential to hamper the smooth running of the project. The results of the identification of risk variables in this study there are 25 risk agents with 8 categories of risk factors, namely: external factors, work procedures, resources, methods, supervision, material, process errors, and labor. The highest priority for handling is the occurrence of natural disaster risk with the risk index of 19.995, and equipment that is not feasible 19.95. Construction of temporary levees was carried out and made the provisions of the detailed equipment specification procedure carried out in response to the dominant risk variable.


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